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Questions & Answers in Common English Part 4

1. Can you give me a hand?
This means “can you help me?” – often with a physical task like moving furniture or carrying a box.
Ø  Of course!
Ø  I’d be glad to.
Ø  Will it take long?
Ø  Sure – just a sec.
This means “just a second” – you need the other person to wait one moment before you can help them.
Ø  Sorry – I’m a bit busy at the moment.


2. What have you been up to lately?
This question means “What have you been doing recently?” – you can answer it in the present perfect continuous.
Ø  I’ve been working a lot.
Ø  Mostly studying.
Ø  I’ve been taking it easy.
This means “relaxing, not doing anything intense or stressful.”
Ø  Planning my summer vacation.
Ø  Nothing much.
3. What’s the matter?
This means “What’s the problem?” – you can ask it to someone who appears sad or upset.
Ø  Oh, I’m just having a rough day.
A “rough day” means a difficult, bad day.
Ø  I’m not feeling so good.
Ø  I just found out my mother’s in the hospital.
The phrasal verb “found out” means “discovered or heard some new information.”
Ø  I’d rather not talk about it.
This means “I’d prefer not to talk about it.”
Ø  Nothing, I’m fine.
4. What would you like to drink?
Ø  Iced tea, please.
Ø  Just water for me.
Ø  What do you have?
Ø  Could we see the wine list?
Ø  Nothing for me, thanks.


Judul : Questions & Answers in Common English Part 4
Tanggal : Thursday, November 12, 2015
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