File Question & Answers in Common English Part 5 ini merupakan berkas yang kami sediakan untuk para Pengajar terutama Guru, guna melengkapi dokumentasi atau sebuah bahan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan proses belajar mengajar atau pekerjaan kantor lainnya. Secara umum berkas ini berformat doc. (word), namun bisa saja berbentuk excel (.xlxs) dan PDF. Dengan adanya Question & Answers in Common English Part 5 kami berharap Bapak/Ibu Guru seluruh Nusantara jadi bisa lebih mudah dalam mengerjakan pekerjaannya karena file pendukung yang dimaksud dapat diDownload melalui Link di bawah ini :

Question & Answers in Common English Part 5

1. Are you ready to order?
To “order” means to ask the waiter/waitress for the food you want to eat.
Ø  Not quite – I think we need a little more time.
Ø  What are the specials today?
“Specials” are featured dishes that might also have a discount.
Ø  Yes, I’ll have a Caesar salad and then the baked chicken with potatoes.
The most common way to order food is to say “I’ll have…”
Ø  Uh-huh. To start off, we’ll split an order of nachos.
“To start off” means you are ordering an appetizer (small amount of food eaten before the main meal). “Split” means that two or more people will share/divide one order of food.
Ø  Almost – I just have a couple of questions.


2. Is everything OK?
While you are eating, the waiter/waitress will often come to your table and ask this question to check if you need anything.
Ø  Yes, everything’s fine, thanks.
Ø  It’s all delicious!
Ø  Could we have some more water, please?
“Could we have…” is a polite way to ask for something.
Ø  Actually, I’m still waiting for my side dish.
A “side dish” is a small portion of food that accompanies the main meal.
Ø  To be honest, my food is kinda cold. Could you heat it up?
“To be honest…” is a diplomatic way to introduce a complaint or negative comment.


Judul : Question & Answers in Common English Part 5
Tanggal : Thursday, November 12, 2015
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