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Job Interview: Questions and Answers Part 2

  • Tell me about yourself. Why should we hire you?
The interviewer is trying to find out about you, your job skills and how well you express yourself. Do not dwell on personal issues. State your best qualifications for the job. Be specific and include examples to support your statements. Try to show that you meet the employer's expectations. For example:

    • I am punctual, dependable and can be counted upon to finish what I start. I get a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that I have done something well and on time. For example, at my present job, I was given different work orders every day. It was my responsibility to finish the orders and make sure they all met quality and safety standards within a specific deadline. On occasion, I had to familiarize myself with the product and the production process. I was always able to learn quickly and carry out my job responsibilities. Our company was known for making excellent processed food products. In 1990, it received an award for being on of Canada's top companies in the field. I feel I can use the same skills and hard work to do well on this job too.
  • What do you do in your spare time?
Interviewers ask this question to see if your activities and hobbies might help the company and to get an idea of what kind of person you are outside your work life. Describe any volunteer work you do and any hobbies or interests that might relate to the job in some way. Stick to active hobbies, such as playing sports, carpentry, gardening, etc. Avoid mentioning inactive and non-creative activities such as watching television.
  • What do you think of working in a group?
The interviewer is trying to find out about your ability to get along with others. Focus on the following:
  • The advantages of working in a group. Explain how the various individuals in a group complement one another in carrying out certain tasks.
  • Give specific examples of your personal experience in a group


Judul : Job Interview: Questions and Answers Part 2
Tanggal : Thursday, November 12, 2015
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