File English Short Story: THE WIND AND THE SUN ini merupakan berkas yang kami sediakan untuk para Pengajar terutama Guru, guna melengkapi dokumentasi atau sebuah bahan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan proses belajar mengajar atau pekerjaan kantor lainnya. Secara umum berkas ini berformat doc. (word), namun bisa saja berbentuk excel (.xlxs) dan PDF. Dengan adanya English Short Story: THE WIND AND THE SUN kami berharap Bapak/Ibu Guru seluruh Nusantara jadi bisa lebih mudah dalam mengerjakan pekerjaannya karena file pendukung yang dimaksud dapat diDownload melalui Link di bawah ini :

English Short Story: THE WIND AND THE SUN

Once the Wind and the Sun had an argument. “I am stronger than you,” said the Wind. “No, you are not,” said the Sun. Just at that moment they saw a traveler walking across the road. He was wrapped in a shawl. The Sun and the Wind agreed that whoever could separate the traveler from his shawl was stronger.
The Wind took the first turn. He blew with all his might to tear the traveler’s shawl from his shoulders. But the harder he blew, the tighter the traveler gripped the shawl to his body. The struggle went on till the Wind’s turn was over.
Now it was the Sun’s turn. The Sun smiled warmly. The traveler felt the warmth of the smiling Sun. Soon he let the shawl fall open. The Sun’s smile grew warmer and warmer... hotter and hotter. Now the traveler no longer needed his shawl. He took it off and dropped it on the ground. The Sun was declared stronger than the Wind.
Moral: Brute force can’t achieve what a gentle smile can.

Judul : English Short Story: THE WIND AND THE SUN
Tanggal : Thursday, November 12, 2015
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